Converting Orders to Appointments
Once you receive orders on Storat, you will be able to convert them to appointments. Converting orders to appointments gives you many benefits. One of them is automatic reminders by email and SMS to your customers. Storat will send your customer a reminder about the appointment at the time the appointment is set, 24 hours before, in the morning of the appointment, and 1 hour before it. This will help you improve the conversion rate of bookings to actual paying customers. Another benefit is that you can organize your appointments among different calendars. You can create a calendar for each employee or a resource in your organization.
Converting orders to appointments will help you increase conversion of bookings to actual business
Converting orders and bookings to appointments
You can covert orders to appointments from the order management dashboard or from the order details dashboard.
- Login to
- Go to the store manager by clicking on the name on the upper right corner and select Store Manager
- Click on Orders on the common menu to open the Order Management Dashboard
- You will see a list of orders you have received. Under that, you will see a card for each order with basic information and a green Actions button. Click on the green Actions button. It will bring down the actions menu.
- Click on Make Appointment. that will open the Create Appointment screen.
- In create an appointment screen, select a calendar (resource) that you will want to assign this order.
- Select an appointment date, expected start time, and expected end time.
- Enter a subject for the appointment (This is important as it will show up in the calendar window).
- Enter an optional comment and then click on Create Appointment.
- This will convert the orders to an appointment and take you to the calendar where the appointment was created.
If you want to review or edit the appointment you just created, double click on the appointment.
Each time you change the appointment date or time, the customer will get notified by email. So use this feature carefully.
You can also convert orders to appointments from the order details page.
- Click on any order in the dashboard. that will open the order details page
- Click on the green Create Appointment button. This will open the Create Appointment screen. You can follow steps 5-10 above to convert an order to an appointment.
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