If you have an active merchant account on storat.com, this is an important deployment update. Please read this email carefully.
1. Changes to how customer pay for the services: Services listed on Storat.com will be either pre-pay or post-pay advertisements:
1. Pre-Pay Advertisements: The customer has to pay for the service at the time of booking. Storat.com will process those payments using Credit Card.
2. Post-Pay Advertisements: The customer will pay for the service at the time of service delivery. However, at the time of booking, customer can decide the method of payment to be eiher Credit Card on Delivery(CCOD) or Cash on Delivery COD).
3. If a customer selects Cash on Delivery (COD), the merchant (you) will collect the payment in cash at time of service delivery.
4. If the customer selects Credit Card on Delivery (CCOD), the payment must be processed using Storat Pay Solution.
2. Introducing Storat Pay Solution: pay.storat.com will facilitate payment by Credit Card on Delivery (CCOD). The following is the process to follow:
1. Customers will book your service using Storat.com. At the time of booking, they will have the option to select Cash or Credit Card for the payment method.

Payment methods
2. At the time of service delivery, either you or the customer has to visit pay.storat.com to process the payment using credit card.

3. Once you enter the voucher code and click next, the voucher details will show in the next page to confirm the customer information.

Pay.storat.com voucher details
4. Click on pay button to go to the checkout page. If the customer has a credit card on file, you can charge it. If the service is delivered, make sure the checkbox **Redeem the voucher with the payment** is selected.

Pay.storat.com credit card on file
5. If the customer doesn't have a credit card on file yet, the following screen will show. Please enter the credit card details and click on **Pay Now** button.

Pay.storat.com credit card screen
6. If the payment is successful, you will see a confirmation on-screen. Also both you and the customer will receive an email confirmation for the payment.
7. If the payment fails, you will see an on-screen notification as well as you will receive an email. You have to go to [Store Manager Order Dashboard](https://uae.storat.com/dashboard/vouchers/manage) and convert the payment method to Cash on Delivery (COD), then you can proceed in collecting the payment in cash from the customer.
3. Other general improvements and bug fixes is being deployed today.